Enable multi cluster networking with Submariner

The easiest way to manage multi cluster submariner plugin with fleet.

In this tutorial we’ll cover the basics of how to use Fleet to manage submariner plugin on a group of clusters.


  1. Setup Fleet manager by following the instructions in the installation guide.

  2. Running the following command to create two secrets to access attached clusters.

# Create secrets for the attached clusters
kubectl create secret generic kurator-member1 --from-file=kurator-member1.config=/root/.kube/kurator-member1.config
kubectl create secret generic kurator-member2 --from-file=kurator-member2.config=/root/.kube/kurator-member2.config

# Label a gateway node for each attached cluster
kubectl label node kurator-member1-control-plane submariner.io/gateway=true --kubeconfig=/root/.kube/kurator-member1.config
kubectl label node kurator-member2-control-plane submariner.io/gateway=true --kubeconfig=/root/.kube/kurator-member2.config

Create a fleet with metric plugin enabled

SUBMARINER_PSK needs to be set as described in here.

export SUBMARINER_PSK=$(LC_CTYPE=C tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' < /dev/urandom | fold -w 64 | head -n 1)

envsubst < examples/fleet/network/submariner-plugin.yaml | kubectl apply -f -

After a while, we can see the fleet is ready:

kubectl wait fleet quickstart --for='jsonpath='{.status.phase}'=Ready'

Verify the Installation

To ensure that the Submariner plugin is successfully installed and running.

Run the following commands:

kubectl get pod -n submariner-operator --kubeconfig=/root/.kube/kurator-member1.config
kubectl get pod -n submariner-operator --kubeconfig=/root/.kube/kurator-member2.config

More detailed verification steps can be done as follows:

subctl needs to be installed to perform checks, please refer to the Install subctl.

  • Diagnostic checks:

Perform subctl diagnose on each cluster:

subctl diagnose all --kubeconfig /root/.kube/kurator-member1.config
  • Verify the connectivity between the clusters:
export KUBECONFIG=/root/.kube/kurator-member1.config:/root/.kube/kurator-member2.config
subctl verify --context kurator-member1 --tocontext kurator-member2
subctl verify --context kurator-member2 --tocontext kurator-member1


Guides for you to clean up the fleets and plugins.

1. Cleanup the Submariner Plugin

Tutorial for manual uninstallation can be found in Sumariner Documatation here.

Deleting the cluster to start from scratch is recommended because potential crd dependencies conflicts and some hard-to-find legacy resources or settings.

2. Cleanup the Fleet

When the fleet is deleted, all associated plugins will also be removed:

kubectl delete fleet quickstart

3. Cleanup the Infrastructure

Uninstall fleet manager:

helm uninstall kurator-fleet-manager -n kurator-system

IMPORTANT: In order to ensure a proper cleanup of your infrastructure you must always delete the cluster object. Deleting the entire cluster template with kubectl delete -f capi-quickstart.yaml might lead to pending resources to be cleaned up manually.

kubectl delete cluster --all

Uninstall cluster operator:

helm uninstall kurator-cluster-operator -n kurator-system

Optional, clean CRDs:

kubectl delete crd $(kubectl get crds | grep cluster.x-k8s.io | awk '{print $1}')
kubectl delete crd $(kubectl get crds | grep kurator.dev | awk '{print $1}')

Optional, delete namespace:

kubectl delete ns kurator-system

Optional, unintall cert manager:

helm uninstall -n cert-manager cert-manager

Optional, shutdown cluster:

kind delete cluster --name kurator