Managed your clusters with Kurator

Learn how to get managed your clusters with Kurator.

Kurator cluster operator provide an easy way to get your Kubernetes cluster up and running.

  • Think of it as operator for clusters
  • Built on Cluster API and KubeSpray
  • Manage your cluster plugins, such as CNI, CSI and Ingress controller


  • Kurator will provision all necessary resources (e.g. vpc, iam profile etc) for a Cluster;
  • After Cluster API resources created, controllers imported from Custer API projects will provision the Kubernetes cluster;
  • After cluster is provisioned, Kurator will install plugins for it;
  • Once all plugins are properly installed, the cluster will be ready.


The overall architecture of Kurator cluster operator is shown as below:

The Kurator Cluster Operator runs various controllers, which watch cluster api objects and then talk to the underlying clusters’ API servers to create Kubernetes clusters.

  1. Cluster API controllers: imports from Cluster API projects and uses Kubernetes-style APIs and patterns to automate cluster lifecycle management for platform operators.
  2. Kurator Cluster controller: watches Kurator Cluster API objects. When a Cluster object is added, the controller will provision target cluster.

Get started with Kurator Cluster API

The easiest way to deploy cluster with Kurator Cluster API.

Setup a cluster with IRSA enabled

Setup a clsuter allows applications in a pod’s containers can use an AWS SDK or the AWS CLI to make API requests to AWS services using AWS IAM.

On-Premise Kubernetes Cluster Lifecycle Management

The easiest way to deploy an on-premise Kubernetes cluster and manage its lifecycle using Kurator.