Enable multi cluster Monitoring with fleet

The easiest way to manage multi cluster metric plugin with fleet.

In this tutorial we’ll cover the basics of how to use Fleet to manage metirc plugin on a group of clusters.


Fleet’s multi cluster monitoring is built on top Prometheus and Thanos, the overall architecture is shown as below:


  1. Setup Fleet manager by following the instructions in the installation guide.

  2. Kurator metric depends on Thanos, Object Storage is required for Thanos. In the task, Minio is used, setup by the installation guide.

  3. Running the following command to create two secrets to access attached clusters.

kubectl create secret generic kurator-member1 --from-file=kurator-member1.config=/root/.kube/kurator-member1.config
kubectl create secret generic kurator-member2 --from-file=kurator-member2.config=/root/.kube/kurator-member2.config

Create a fleet with metric plugin enabled

kubectl apply -f examples/fleet/metric/metric-plugin.yaml

After a while, we can see the fleet is ready:

kubectl wait fleet quickstart --for='jsonpath='{.status.phase}'=Ready'

Thanos and Grafana are installed correctly:

kubectl get po 
NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
default-thanos-query-5b6d4dcf89-xm54l   1/1     Running   0          1m
default-thanos-storegateway-0           1/1     Running   0          1m
grafana-7b4bc74fcc-bvwgv                1/1     Running   0          1m

Apply more monitor settings with Fleet Application

Run following command to create a avalanche pod and ServiceMonitor in the fleet:

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: apps.kurator.dev/v1alpha1
kind: Application
  name: metric-demo
  namespace: default
      interval: 3m0s
        branch: main
      timeout: 1m0s
      url: https://github.com/kurator-dev/kurator
    - destination:
        fleet: quickstart
        interval: 5m0s
        path: ./examples/fleet/metric/monitor-demo
        prune: true
        timeout: 2m0s

Query metric from Grafana

After a while, you can go to grafana datasource page query avalanche metric, it will looks like following:


Delete the fleet created

kubectl delete application metric-demo
kubectl delete fleet quickstart

Uninstall fleet manager:

helm uninstall kurator-fleet-manager -n kurator-system

IMPORTANT: In order to ensure a proper cleanup of your infrastructure you must always delete the cluster object. Deleting the entire cluster template with kubectl delete -f capi-quickstart.yaml might lead to pending resources to be cleaned up manually.

kubectl delete cluster --all

Uninstall cluster operator:

helm uninstall kurator-cluster-operator -n kurator-system

Optional, clean CRDs:

kubectl delete crd $(kubectl get crds | grep cluster.x-k8s.io | awk '{print $1}')
kubectl delete crd $(kubectl get crds | grep kurator.dev | awk '{print $1}')

Optional, delete namespace:

kubectl delete ns kurator-system

Optional, unintall cert manager:

helm uninstall -n cert-manager cert-manager

Optional, shutdown cluster:

kind delete cluster --name kurator