Unified Distributed Storage
In this tutorial, we will cover how to implement unified distributed storage on a set of clusters, using Fleet
Fleet’s unified distributed storage is built on top of Rook, and the overall architecture is shown as below:
1. Fleet Manager Setup
Set up the Fleet manager by following the instructions in the installation guide.
2. Rook prerequisites
To support Kurator’s Unified Distributed Storage, you must first configure the Distributed Storage plug-in for Fleet. Kurator uses Rook as the Distributed Storage plugin. These are some of the prerequisites needed to use rook.
Kubernetes v1.22 or higher is supported
To configure the Ceph storage cluster, at least one of these local storage types is required:
- Raw devices (no partitions or formatted filesystems)
- Raw partitions (no formatted filesystem)
- LVM Logical Volumes (no formatted filesystem)
- Persistent Volumes available from a storage class in
The easiest way to do this is to mount an Raw disk on the nodes.
3. Secrets and Setup for Attached Clusters
In Kurator, clusters not created by Kurator are called AttachedClusters. Kurator provides the ability to incorporate these AttachedClusters into the kurator fleet management and implement unified distributed storage on these attachedclusters with fleet. Therefore we need a fleet that already manages several AttachedClusters. Specific operations can be referred to Manage AttachedCluster.
Create a Fleet with the DistributedStorage Plugin Enabled
Run following command to create rook operator and rook ceph cluster in the Fleet:
Fleet DistributedStorage Plugin Configuration Explained
Let’s delve into the spec
section of the above Fleet:
: Contains the twoAttachedCluster
objects created earlier, indicating that the distributedstorage plugin will be installed in these two clusters.plugin
: ThedistributedStorage
indicates the configuration of a distributedstorage plugin.dataDirHostPath
defines the directory in which the rook-ceph cluster will save the cluster configuration.monitor
provide configuration for the mon and mgr components of ceph. For more configuration options, please refer to the Fleet API.- In addition to the configuration fields mentioned above, kurator also provides
field that allows you to specify the use of device mounted in a specific directory (such as /dev/sda) on all nodes in the cluster. Andstorage.nodes
field that allows you to specify the use of storage resources on specific nodes. It is also possible to specify the devices to be used. For more configuration options, please refer to the Fleet API.
Verify the Installation
To ensure that the distributedstorage plugin is successfully installed and running, run the following commands:
After waiting for some time check the status of all pods under the rook-ceph namespace. The result is shown below:
Persistent Volume Use Guide
After rook operator and rook ceph cluster are installed, this chapter provides examples of using Block Storage, Filesystem Storage and Object Storage.
Block Storage Class Configuration
Block storage allows a single pod to mount storage. This section how to create a block storage persistent volume kubernetes pod that uses the block storage provided by Rook.
The StorageClass
and CephBlockPool
need to be created before the Rook can configure storage.This will allow Kubernetes to interact with the Rook when configuring persistent volumes.
Run the following commands, can create a CephBlockPool
Run the following commands, can create a block mod StorageClass
There are a few things to note in the above block storage class configuration:
- provisioner is configured in the format (operator-namespace).rbd.csi.ceph.com. Change “rook-ceph” provisioner prefix to match the operator namespace if needed.
is the namespace where the rook cluster is running.parameters.pool
is theCephBlockPool
created before.
FileSystem Storage Class Configuration
A filesystem storage (also named shared filesystem) can be mounted with read/write permission from multiple pods. This may be useful for applications which can be clustered using a shared filesystem.This section describes how to create a kubernetes pod of file storage persistent volumes using the file storage provided by Rook.
Using the file storage provided by Rook, you can set up the metadatapool, datapool, and metadata server, all of which can be set up in the CephFileSystem
. Run the following commands, can create a CephFileSystem
The Rook operator will create all the pools and other resources necessary to start the service. Mds
stands for metadata service and is the metadata service that the ceph filesystem service relies on. The metadata and configuration information of the filesystem store is managed by mds. To confirm the filesystem is configured, wait for the mds pods to start.
Before you can use the file storage provided by Rook, you need to create a storage class for the file storage type, which is required for Kubernetes to interoperate with the CSI driver to create persistent volumes. Apply this storage class definition as:
There are a few things to note in the above filesystem storage class configuration:
- provisioner is configured in the format (operator-namespace).cephfs.csi.ceph.com. Change “rook-ceph” provisioner prefix to match the operator namespace if needed.
needs to correspond to the name created inCephFileSystem
Object Storage Class Configuration
In Rook, object storage exposes the S3 API to the storage cluster so that applications in the cluster can store data. As same as file storage, object storage requires metadata pool, data pool, and rgw a specific plug-in to support object storage. All of this can be set up in the CephObjectStorage
. Run the following commands, can create a CephObjectStorage
The Rook operator will create all the pools and other resources necessary to start the service. To confirm the object storage is configured, wait for the rgw pods to start:
Now that the object store is configured, we next need to create a storage bucket that will allow clients to read and write objects. Buckets can be created by defining storage classes, similar to the pattern used for block and file storage. Apply this storage class definition as:
There are a few things to note in the above filesystem storage class configuration:
- provisioner is configured in the format (operator-namespace).ceph.rook.io/bucket. Change “rook-ceph” provisioner prefix to match the operator namespace if needed.
needs to correspond to the name created inCephObjectStorage
Use Block Storage
After creating the storagec class for block, file and object storage, it’s time to actually use this storage class. We can use Kurator application to create Persistent Volume Claim and Pod that consume it.
The above command creates a nginx-blockstorage pod and mounts Persistent Volume in its own Pod. You can run the following command to see the kubernetes volume claims:
Use Filesystem Storage
Filesystem storage is similar to block storage, we also can use Kurator application to create Persistent Volume Claim and Pod that consume it.
The above command creates a nginx-filesystemstorage pod and mounts Persistent Volume in its own Pod. You can run the following command to see the kubernetes volume claims:
Use Object Storage
In a rook-ceph cluster, the use of object storage is different from the use of block storage and filesystem storage. ObjectBucketClaim
is used instead of PersistentVolumeClaim. And the application needs secret and configmap to access the objectbucket. When Pod use object storage, they don’t mount PVC like block storage and filesystem storage, but instead uniquely specify the ObjectBucketClaim with secret and configmap.
We can still use Kurator application to create ObjectBucketClaim and Pod that consume it, but there will be some changes to the configuration.
The above command creates a redis-objectstorage pod and use a object bucket in its own Pod. You can run the following command to see the Pod:
This section guides you through the process of cleaning up the fleets and plugins.
1. Cleanup the Backup Plugin
If you only need to remove the distributedstorage plugin, simply edit the current fleet and remove the corresponding description:
To check the results of the deletion, you can observe that the Velero components have been removed:
Perhaps there are still some rook components left over, which can be executed by running the following command:
After getting undeleted rook components, you can delete it by editing its configuration file via kubectl edit
and removing its finalizer.
More information on removing a Rook can be found at rook cleanup guide
If you wish to reinstall the components later, you can simply edit the fleet and add the necessary configurations.
2. Cleanup the Fleet
When the fleet is deleted, all associated plugins will also be removed:
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